
more from the opening...

here are a few more photos from the opening and some from our next-door neighbor, iyollo gallery.  we've added some links to the artists on the sidebar...be sure to check them out!

we've also decided to have a closing party...since the rain kept so many people away last time, and to celebrate david's birthday this month!  join us on saturday, march 29 at mariposa studio to close our first exhibit and see the studio before our big project starts for june.  (it's a secret)

we're working hard to get our etsy shop up and running...we'll let you know when we're open for business.

hope to see you on saturday....


preview party

we had an amazing turnout despite the pouring rain and flash floods!  thanks to all who braved the elements to join us for our opening last night...


studio makeover

this is what mariposa studio looked like three days ago...


and finally today...

david and jodie completed all of the renovations themselves...and can't wait for the big reveal tomorrow night!  hope to see you there for the preview friday night or open studio on saturday.


more artwork

we will have a preview party on friday, may 14 from 7-10pm...join us in the newly renovated studio for cocktails and a chance to see these, among other works (see "Portfolio" tab for more).

by david

by jodie

we hope to see you for the big reveal next weekend!