
ARToberFEST 2011

After closing our physical location doors, we decided to do two festivals per year. After living in Galveston for 6 months we returned to enjoy its pefect weather and cool breezes. ARToberFEST an artists tradition in the island takes place close to the strand. This juried show that we were part of the year before reminded us of our physical studio especially the part about having people over to check out our new creations.

Mariposa Studio's Gallery Closing December 2010


We are sad to tell our supporters and fans that we are closing or physical location at MECA/Dow School Campus. Do to circumstances beyond our control or gallery located in the back of 1900 Kane Street, Houston, TX 77007, 700 Silver will be now a online gallery and a festival tent until further notice. I brakes our heart that the physical space has to given back to its owners the non-profit educational organization of MECA but we are returning it with the renovations we made including track-lighting and painted walls. Please stay tuned on developments in our inventory and events in the community.

We will like to thank the artists who helped us make the gallery happen for the 6 months it had its doors open!

Harvest Festival 2010